
積分計劃 Redemption Programme
1) 每張發票只能換令一包免費產品
Each invoice is allowed for redeeming 1 pack of FREE item ONLY
2) 每次購物及收貨後,每張發票所得總積分均會發電郵通知會員。如收貨後一星期未收到電郵通知,請與本公司跟進
You will receive email for rewarded points of each invoice after goods is delivered.  If you don't receive email notification after goods arrival for a week, please contact us.
3) 如會員取消訂單,整張發票的積分將會刪減
Rewarded points of each invoice will be deleted if the order is cancelled.
4) 每訂單扣減積分後的總數達$900 或 以上,可免運費
Free delivery if the order is $900 or above after redemption
5) 若不懂如何在訂單中以積分來換領免費產品,可在下訂單前先與我們聯絡 (Whatsapp 5402 2221)
Please feel free to contact us (Whatsapp 5404 2221) if you don't know how you use your Points to redeem a product while placing an order
6) 如有任何爭議, 本公司保留最終決定權
BORD Limited reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice, if any dispute, the Company reserves the final decision

積分說明 Redemption Explanation

換領步驟 Redemption Steps








Supported by WD
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